Super Lawyers
William C. Altreuter

Monday, November 17, 2003

Dick Cheney is in town today, and it isn't hard to figure out that he is staying at the Hyatt across the street. There are temporary barricades on Pearl Street, reducing it to one lane, more sheriff's deputies and cops than I have seen outside a parade, mounted police, bomb sniffing dogs and two hook and ladder fire trucks. Now, I suppose that our cyborg Vice President is, after Osama bin Laden, the greatest threat to America that there is today. (Throw in John Ashcroft as a field entry and you might have a winner.) Still, isn't that a lot more law enforcement than should be needed to bring the man to justice? What's that you say? They aren't out there to bring him to justice? Well then, what are they doing there? It can't be that they are protecting him from the angry hordes-- we are all at work, those of us with jobs. I'd love to see the bill that this fund raising visit is going to stick us with-- I'll betcha it'd pay a teacher or two.

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