Super Lawyers
William C. Altreuter

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Here's a pretty good little rundown on Christmas music. A tad profane, but, after all, isn't most Christmas music?

"JESUS : Yule log after yule log, and I don't even merit a mention in any of these songs. The holiday is named after me! It's supposed to be my ******* birthday! What is "yule," anyway?

JOE POTTERY : Ummm... didn't he replace John Cale on Loaded?

JESUS : That's Doug Yule, wiseass. "Yule" is the name the pre-Christian Nordics gave to the winter solstice. If you're celebrating Yuletide, you're not celebrating Christmas. It's one or the other.

JOE POTTERY : I don't think you're being very tolerant here.

JESUS : I'm trying to redeem your sins, but you're not making it very easy on me. You should just be happy that Luther was right about how there's no such thing as Purgatory, otherwise you'd be spending the next two hundred years listening to "Everybody Wang Chung Tonight" on infinite repeat. Listen, I'm not a megalomaniac. I don't have to be. This isn't about me wanting publicity. It's about giving good, thought-provoking and sophisticated music run ahead of innocuous and empty-headed music." (Via Looka!)

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