Super Lawyers
William C. Altreuter

Monday, February 25, 2008

At this festive time of the year, when the sports world is all about how the Sabres will fold and college hoops, I'm glad I've got the Chilly Challenge and the Shamrock to divert me. College basketball just makes me want to grind my teeth, and that's a shame, because it should be a lot more fun than it is allowed to be. Mark Cuban-- an IU alum-- gets it right: "Every student who goes to school, post high school is given every opportunity and encouraged to maximize their effort and optimize their resources to achieve their goals. Unless of course they happen to attend a school that is a member of the NCAA and their goal is to be a professional athlete. In those cases, the NCAA does everything it can to make sure that the athlete is not a typical or traditional student.
"For these student athletes, rather than doing every thing possible to excel in their chosen field, they face rules and restrictions that are exceeded in quantity and complexity by the US Tax Code."

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