Super Lawyers
William C. Altreuter

Monday, January 16, 2012

Outside Counsel has just learned that Dick Judelson-- Dr. Jazz-- has died. Although the larger world knew him as a brilliant pediatrician, it was as the host of BeBop and Beyond that I knew him. It may have been the longest running jazz program in radio, and it was always exactly what public radio jazz programing ought to be: informative, intelligent, fun. When someone was coming to town, Dick would feature the artist. When the fancy took him he'd play back to back versions of the same song by different artists then dissect the differences. He always told you who besides the leader was on the date, what the label was, the year it was recorded. He provided context, in other words. More than that, he was an enthusiast, and he recognized enthusiasm in others. Man, I miss him already.

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