Super Lawyers
William C. Altreuter

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

 On my list of things that should inspire massive cognitive dissonance: Log Cabin Republicans and Republican fans of Bruce Springsteen. The latter are apparently unhappy about Mr. Springsteen's Superbowl commercial for Jeep. (There are also Springsteen stans who  object to their hero making a commercial at all, but that is a separate stupid issue to have over something so trivial.) I went back and had a look about what I've written about Springsteen over the years, and was surprised at how much there is, particularly in view of the fact that I was pretty much over with him after The River. I'll give him this much: he knew he was going to have to stop writing about the life he'd lived in his 20's, and although I don't care all that much for the actual John Steinbeck I respect the work of both The Boss and the author of East of Eden 

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