Super Lawyers
William C. Altreuter

Saturday, November 08, 2003

I wouldn't say that drafting pleadings is my favorite thing, exactly, or even that it's fun, but there is a certain satisfaction that comes when you do it. It's an odd way of thinking-- every allegation must be broken down into its smallest unit, and then when it is read together, it tells a boring story! Even if the story is something that might be interesting, told a different way, in a pleading it is incredibly dull. For some reason the activity it reminds me of is raking leaves (something I hate, and do rarely). It is not exactly mindless, but it is certainly repetitive, and when you are done, snagging the last yellow maple leaf off the lawn as you go to put the rake away, what you have is the same feeling you get after putting together a complaint with a hundred paragraphs.

Obviously I am posting this to procrastinate. Back to the pleading now....

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