Super Lawyers
William C. Altreuter

Thursday, November 06, 2003

In other election related news, Outside Counsel's mom, TCA, lost in her bid to return to the Carolina Shores Town Council. I don't think anyone acquainted with my mother was surprised by her post-retirement entry into politics: the pity is that it didn't happen sooner. She seemed just as glad to be out after her term as mayor ended, but you know how it goes: you can try to get out, but they keep dragging you back in. She says that she does not like to ask people for their vote, and perhaps that is so, although I imagine she is able to overcome her distaste for it. Asking people for money would, I think, be harder for her, which would seem to foreclose the possibility of higher office, which is also too bad. It's funny that competence at governance should be combined with a dislike for politics, but hardly surprising: the opposite combination is quite common in public life. What did surprise me was the fact that Outside Counsel's father, WJA, seems to be the one who took the loss the hardest.

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