Super Lawyers
William C. Altreuter

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Christgau points out that Pazz & Jop skews white. "Racist? Us? Can't be. It's just that Euro-Americans make more aesthetically commanding popular music than African Americans, year in and year out. History shows that, right?" There was a time in my young life when I followed all this much more closely-- I'm distanced from what is popular in music right now, but I am still an avid consumer, and I still care, even though I only own two sides referenced on the Dean's List (and one of those, Television's "Live at the Old Waldorf" is a burned copy that came into my possession yesterday. Thanks Tom-- it's mighty good!). It finally dawned on me last Friday that I really like "Hey Ya" ("Gimme some suga', I am your neighbor"-- c'mon, that's irresistible). So maybe I do still get it, even if I am spending less time and money at Championship Vinyl these days.

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