Sunday, October 02, 2005
I went to the drugstore today to pick up my thyroid pills. As I walked out, I took the bottle out of the bag and opened it, intending to take my daily dose, when I noticed that the pills were bigger-- quite a bit bigger-- than usual. Visual inspection reveled them to be blue, and a different shape, and a check of the label established that these were not my Levoxyl- I had some other guy's Viagra. I must admit that y first thought was to just keep the other guy's drugs, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I know that the stupid Levoxyl has no recreational value whatsoever, and I couldn't have lived with the idea that W___________ J________ would have had to suffered through a week or so thinking, "Damn, these pink pills ain't nothin'. C'mon, man, let's go!". I brought them back, got my own drugs, and told the pharmacist, "Tell Mr. _________ to have fun." I hope he does. Sure would have changed my Sunday afternoon.
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