Tuesday, September 19, 2006

"Lakeshore Raddison, please," I said, sliding into the back of the cab. "The only Raddison I know is on the North Side," objected the cabbie. "No, this is on Lakeshore, south of the McCormack Center," I said. "Mon, do you mean the Lakeshore Ramadan?" he asked. "Ramada!" I said, "That's it." I don't recomend it, particularly: it is not convenient to the convention center or to the Loop, and I can't remember its name.
Other Chicago notes: this is the third or forth time I have been to this city, and I have finally had a Chicago-style hot dog. I don't know what I was waiting for-- I am a fan now, and will have at least one more before I leave. In general I favor a grilled frankfurter, and these are steamed, but I wouldn't want one any other way. They come on a poppy seed bun, and they really do say, "Drag it through the garden." I'd asked for mine with the works, but the counter guy directed the grillman in those words. How fantastic is that? "Adam and Eve on a raft, sink 'em!", you know? Steamed dog, poppy roll, smear of mustard, the brightest green sweet pickle relish I ever saw, chopped raw onions, dill pickle spear, tomato wedges and a couple of little sport peppers-- fantastic.
On the down side, I must report that this seems to be a pretty indifferent beer city. There must be a spot, but I haven't located it. The Goose Island, or whatever it's called, is nothing much, and it's a big deal to find something other than Bud or Heineken.
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