Super Lawyers
William C. Altreuter

Saturday, May 24, 2008

We had a party for the board and staff of SqueakyWheel at Big Pink last week, which turned out rather well, I think. I didn't really have a clear vision of the menu until a couple of days before-- all I knew I was that I wanted to smoke a bunch of salmon, because that could tend to itself pretty much, while I did other stuff. A. was pretty much out of the picture-- she'd been on the left coast, and got in Saturday morning, jet lagged and turned around. I ended up doing the salmon, a pasta salad with hazelnut and green olive pesto, and a spinach salad with strawberries, pecans and a sherry vinegar vinaigrette. LCA made a orange chocolate tarte, and CLA made a walnut tart, and I made a tarte tatin, and it all came together rather well, I think. Come to find out that we were right at the outside edge of what Kevin Weeks reckons is workable, so I feel pretty good about that. Weeks' plan for a party looks pretty good-- I may try that next.

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