Wednesday, August 10, 2011
It is hard to believe that at these late date it is news to report that Bronx juries are Bronx juries, but since it is a story about Dominque Strauss-Kahn, I guess it is worth noting in passing. Nafissatou Diallo filed her civil action in the only county in New York that is on the US mainland, and yeah, count on it, there is diversity here and the case is going to be removed, probably to White Plains. This has been an interesting case to follow. Although I haven't been keeping up with the tabs, it seems to me that Ms. Diallo's team has done a pretty good job of rehabilitating her. I suppose it's possible that the prosecution might be hurt by the civil suit, but if I were advising her, on the state of the current information, I'd tell her to go forward with it too. Cy Vance's sex crimes unit isn't Bob Morganthau's sex crime unit, and the civil suit keeps the pressure on the DA to go forward with the prosecution.
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