Super Lawyers
William C. Altreuter

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

So, the Boy Scouts are thinking about ending the organization's policy of discriminating against gay kids. Good, if true. It would be nice if this were happening because it is the right thing to do, but...
"About 50 local United Way groups and several corporations and charities have concluded that the ban violates their
non-discrimination requirements and have ceased providing financial aid to the Boy Scouts. An official of The Human Rights Campaign, an advocate for gay rights, said HRC planned to downgrade its non-discrimination ratings for corporations that continue to give the BSA financial support. "It’s an extremely complex issue," said one Boy Scouts of America official, who explained that other organizations have threatened to withdraw their financial support if the BSA drops the ban."
. Doesn't look that complex to me. And you know what? I don't care about motive so much. Do the right thing and motive sorts itself out.

| Comments:
About time.
Oh, long past due. The problem really was always that Scouts are closely associated with organized religions. In fact, there are a whole category of awards for religious studies. I don't think I ever met anyone that pursued any of them (and I think anyone who would have would be pretty insufferable), but it is a big part of the culture. I doubt that they will get it right this time, but given time it will work. The most successful racial integration project in the US was when Truman ordered the military integrated-- today the military is just about the only place I can think of that is race-blind. So it'll happen.

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