Super Lawyers
William C. Altreuter

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

I probably shouldn't say this, but I suspect Bruce Springsteen's memoir is probably going to be kinda dull. Seriously, do you think he has stories he hasn't told in the songs? He's been a professional musician since he was what, 16? There was no down-and-out phase in his life, he has always lived clean, and he isn't likely to dish on other people. In fact, I'll take this further: At some point Bruce ran out of his own stories, and has been trying to be a rock and roll John Steinbeck ever since. I mark that point as arriving at The River, and I haven't found any Springsteen record after Nebraska to be all that interesting.

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Bruce ran out of his own stories fairly early. One of my English professors had been a guitarist in Steel Mill, Springsteen's early band that had one album released. Sandy, of 4th of July Asbury Park fame, was his girlfriend, not Bruce's. Or so he claimed.
Now that's a pretty good story. Bruce Eaton booked Bruce and the E Steet band pretty early on, when he was at Hobart and William Smith. He has some good stories about that. Maybe what is needed is an oral history rather than a memoir

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